Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Midway Through

This class for me so far has proven to be pretty beneficial when it comes to my drawing abilities. I have been looking back at my past work from Life Drawing 1 and have seen what I've gotten better at and what I need to improve on. The main focus and the biggest change I have seen would be my self portrait drawings. I feel more comfortable with drawing the face and not so hesitant to start a drawing. I feel that my likeness has improved but could still use quite a bit of work. Here's a link to my drawings so far this semester.....

Even though I feel like I've been improving, I still need to work on quite a bit of things. I would really like to improve on the likeness to my drawings. I am finding that the portraits I have done of other people don't really look like them. Another big thing I could really work on would be the planes on the face and skull, I'm still a bit confused.

For my second self-portrait I really want to focus on some personality traits of mine and just how much they really aren't mine. There are so many things I do without thinking about that I get from my mother. Since I was a kid and just being around my mom all the time I've picked up a lot of her habits and emotional traits. I really want to focus on just how 50's like my house was growing up. My mom didn't work when my parents were married, she would clean and have dinner ready and although this was much appreciated it was unfair to her. Now that I'm older I realize just how much of that mindset I have actually picked up and how much I really wish I hadn't. I really hope to portray this with photography, I've been focusing a lot on Francesca Woodman. I really like the look of her photographs and the simplicity of the environment she puts herself in.


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